Location Weather Pro

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  5. How To Display Weather Details with Geo Coordinates

How To Display Weather Details with Geo Coordinates

Showing weather information using Coordinates is more unique and accurate with the Location Weather Pro plugin. Follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to Location Weather Menu → Add New.

2. Type a Title for your Weather View.

3. Under the Weather Settings configuration tab, you will find the Display Weather for Specific Location option

4. Choose Coordinates.

5. Insert Coordinates. (e.g. 55.755825,37.617298) The values must be followed in order: Latitude and Longitude.

6. Click on Get coordinates, and you will be redirected to the LatLong.net’s Latitude and Longitude Finder page. 

7. Publish the shortcode and display it on your web page.

The final output would be something like below: