Location Weather Pro

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  5. How To Configure and Display Temperature Unit

How To Configure and Display Temperature Unit

Weather temperature refers to a measurement of how hot or cold the air is in a specific area at a particular moment. It is a fundamental aspect of weather that helps us understand the current atmospheric conditions. Temperature is often measured using a thermometer and is typically reported in degrees Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F). You can display the temperature unit in three different ways. 

  • Celsius (°C): Celsius (°C) is a unit of measurement used to quantify temperature. It is a common scale in many parts of the world, especially in countries that use the metric system. Select it to show the temperature unit in Centigrade Scale.
  • Fahrenheit (°F): Fahrenheit (°F) is another unit of measurement used to quantify temperature. Unlike the Celsius scale, the Fahrenheit scale is more commonly used in the United States and a few other countries. Select it to show the temperature unit in Fahrenheit scale. 
  • Both (°C & °F): Select it to display both the temperature units in the Weather View. 

Note: Set the temperature unit according to your zone. 

Follow the process below to display the temperature unit in the Weather View: 

1. Navigate to Location Weather Menu → Add New.

2. Type a Title for your Weather View.

3. Underneath the Weather Settings Configuration Tab, You will find the Option Named Display Temperature Unit. 

4. Choose a temperature unit according to your time zone.

5. Publish the shortcode and display it on your web pages.

The final output will be something like the below: