Smart Post Show Pro

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  3. Smart Post Show Pro
  4. Managing License
  5. License Applicable

License Applicable

You must put in an active license key to activate and make the plugin work, get automatic updates, and premium support. If you don’t activate the license key, your content won’t show on the front-end.

According to our license terms, a customer can use the plugin on the live site(s) specified in his package. A personal package holder can activate the plugin only on one live site. So, he can’t reuse the plugin on another site. If a user desperately needs the plugin for his new site, he must upgrade his license or buy a new package.

*** Before using the plugin on the live site(s), a customer can use the plugin on some under construction fields like →

  • localhost
  • *.dev
  • *.test
  • .*local
  • dev.*
  • staging.*
  • staging-*.
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *

Sub-domain or multisite: If you are using a sub-domain in the same WordPress installation as a WordPress multisite, then you can use the plugin both on the main site and that sub-domain site. If you are using a different installation of WordPress for a sub-domain, then you can’t use a single site license for that sub-domain. In this case, you have to buy a new single-site license for that sub-domain.