WooGallery Pro

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  5. How To Adjust The Zoom Window Size for Product Images

How To Adjust The Zoom Window Size for Product Images

It’s easy to Adjust The Zoom Window Size for your product images with the WooGallery Pro plugin. Follow the steps below:

(1) From your WordPress Dashboard Menu navigate to WooGallery Pro > Gallery

(2) Under the Gallery settings tab you will find the Product Image Zoom. Enable the option. 

(3) After enabling this you will see the Zoom Style option with a dropdown where 3 different styles are available. Select the Right Side style and the Zoom Window Size Type option will appear below with two options:

  • Auto
  • Custom 

(4) Select Custom and another option will appear as Zoom Window Size. Set the width and height value of the zoom window size as per your need. 

(5) Now click on Save Settings and refresh the product gallery to see the changes.