(1) Clean-up Data on Deletion: Check to remove the plugin’s data when the plugin is uninstalled or deleted.
(2) Google Fonts: The option is to Enqueue or Dequeue the Google Fonts. By default, the option is turned off. So, Google Fonts will be used.
(3) No Products Found: Set a message to show when any product won’t be found in the slider. The default message is No products found.
(4) FontAwesome: The option is to Enqueue/Dequeue the FontAwesome font. By default, the option is turned off. So, FontAwesome will be used.
(5) Slick CSS: Enqueue or Dequeue Slick CSS.
(6) BxSlider CSS: Enqueue or Dequeue BxSlider CSS.
(7) Magnific Popup CSS: Enqueue or Dequeue Magnific Popup CSS.
(8) Slick JS: Slick JS is a fresh new jQuery module for creating completely customizable, responsive, and mobile-friendly carousels/sliders that work with any HTML Components. Enqueue or Dequeue Slick JS.
(9) BxSlider JS: Bxslider JS is a fully responsive jQuery that allows you to create a content slider that can contain images, videos, or HTML content. Enqueue or Dequeue BxSlider JS.
(10) Magnific Popup JS: Magnific Popup JS is a responsive lightbox & dialog script specializing in performance and providing the best experience for the user with any device. Enqueue or Dequeue Magnific popup JS.