WooCommerce Product Slider Pro

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  5. Can I use the plugin in my developing or staging site?

Can I use the plugin in my developing or staging site?

Yes, you can.

As per our license terms, a customer can use the plugin on the live site(s) according to his package. A personal package holder can activate the plugin only on one live site. So, he can’t reuse the plugin on another site. If a user desperately needs the plugin for his new site, he must upgrade his License or buy a new package.

*** Before using the plugin on the live site(s), a customer can use the plugin on some under construction fields like →

  • localhost
  • *.dev
  • *.test
  • .*local
  • dev.*
  • staging.*
  • staging-*.
  • *.staging.site
  • *.wpengine.com
  • *.preview-domain.com
  • *.wpenginepowered.com

Sub-Domain/Multisite: If you are using a sub-domain in the same WordPress installation as a WordPress Multisite, then you can use the plugin both in the main site and that sub-domain site. If you are using a different installation of WordPress for a sub-domain, then you can’t use a single site license for that sub-domain. In this case, you have to buy a new single-site license for that sub-domain.