Smart Swatches Pro

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Shop Page

1) Shop/Archive Page Swatches: Enable the option to display the product variation swatches on the shop/archive page.

2) Swatch Position: Select the variation swatch position from the dropdown as you wish. 

  • Before Price
  • After Price
  • Before Title
  • After Title

3) Swatch Alignment: Select the swatch alignment as you wish from three different options. 

4) Attribute Display Limit: Set the attribute limit to display on the shop page. 

5) Use Product Page Styles to Shop Page: Check this option to apply product page swatch styles to the shop page.

6) Attribute Image Size: Select any of the pre-defined image sizes for your attribute images.

7) Attribute Box Size: Set the attribute box’s height and width as you wish from here.

8) Swatch Border: Set the swatch’s border width, color, hover color, active color, and radius according to your needs. 

9) Swatch Background: Set the swatch background color, active color, and hover color from here. 

10) Swatch Text Font Size: Set the swatch font size as you want from here.

11) Swatch Text Color: Set the swatch text color, active color, and hover color from here. 

12) Swatch Inner Padding: Set the values for the swatch inner paddings as per your need. 

13) Button Inner Padding: Set the values for the button inner paddings as per your need. 

14) Swatch Margin: Set the swatch margin values in units such as px, %, and em

15) Variation Label: Enable the option to show the variation label on the shop page. 

16) Enable Shop Catalog Mode: Enable the option to show only your selected attribute on the shop page.

17) Choose Attribute to Display: Select any of the attributes you want to display on the shop page. 

18) Swatches Activate on: Select any of the actions to activate the swatches.