(1) Clean-up data on deletion: Check this option to Remove the plugin’s data when the plugin is uninstalled or deleted.
(2) Google Fonts: The option is to Enqueue or Dequeue the Google Fonts. By default, Google Font is turned ENQUEUE. So, Google Fonts will be used.
(3) Swiper CSS: Enqueue or Dequeue Swiper CSS.
(4) bxSlider CSS: Enqueue or Dequeue bxSlider CSS.
(5) Font Awesome CSS: The option is to Enqueue/Dequeue the FontAwesome font. By default, the option is turned ENQUEUE. So, FontAwesome will be used.
(6) Swiper JS: Enqueue or Dequeue Swiper JS.
(7) bxSlider JS: Enqueue or Dequeue bxSlider JS.