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Trial version of microsoft word 2013 free

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Trial version of microsoft word 2013 free.Microsoft serves up 60-day trial version of Office 2013

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May 09,  · Word is included in the Microsoft Office free trial but you do not have to install the whole suite. You can select what Office programs you want to use during the installation. The day free trial period is longer than most so you have plenty of time to test the new features. Nov 16,  · You will need a Microsoft account in order to access the download page, but otherwise there are no strings attached. Here’s how you can grab the free trial version: Head over to the Office. May 12,  · There isn’t any free MS Office software, you have to purchase the version you require, although some academic institutions may provide MS Office software for free Once a trial has expired you cannot start a new trial.


Free Trial – Try Microsoft for a month – Microsoft Store

However, that all changed with the release of Office (now Microsoft ). This subscription gets you Word, Excel, Powerpoint and many. The Microsoft Office demo is available to all software users as a free download with potential restrictions compared with the full.