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Mocha pro 5 plugin adobe premiere cc free

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1 GB free hard disk space; × display; OpenGL and OpenCL ; Adobe After Effects CC or above; Adobe Premiere Pro CC or. Adobe plug-in option allows fast & efficient workflow using the host’s media engine. Launch mocha Pro as a plug-in from within After Effects or Premiere Pro. It’s a plugin for Adobe After Effects & Premiere Pro. AWARD-WINNING PLANAR TRACKING. Mocha Pro is the world renowned software for planar.

Mocha pro 5 plugin adobe premiere cc free


Mocha Pro is navicat premium 12.1.10 keygen free world renowned software for planar tracking, rotoscoping and object removal. Essential to visual effects and post-production workflows, Mocha has been recognized with prestigious Academy and Emmy Awards for contribution to the film and television industry. The improved Insert Module features warped surface compositing driven by PowerMesh tracking for a new streamlined workflow.

Now mesh tracking can be rendered with motion blur! Finish simple match moves in one AE effect without precomps! Rock solid planar tracking is at the heart of all Mocha Pro modules. VFX artists turn to Mocha for its ease of use and reliability when faced with the most difficult shots.

Mocha is versatile, so use it the way you want…as a standalone application, or as a plugin in your favorite host. Mocha Pro can export tracking, roto shapes, lens /14246.txt and 3D data in a wide variety of formats, or render to file or back to your host.

PowerMesh нажмите чтобы узнать больше a powerful sub-planar tracking process for visual effects and rotoscoping. Now Mocha Pro can track warped surfaces and organic objects, making it even more powerful for match moves and digital makeup shots.

Export or render roto to most popular host applications. X-Splines and Bezier splines with magnetic edge-snapping assistance and Area Brush tool help create detailed mask shapes — mocha pro 5 plugin adobe premiere cc free requiring drawing skills.

PowerMesh warped splines deliver even more accurate results when masking organic moving objects like musculature, skin, fabrics, and more. Launch Mocha Pro from within your favorite hosts:.

The plugin can be purchased by host. A multi-host plugin license is included with standalone application and Boris FX Suite. Remove unwanted elements, wires, rigs, tracking marks, and cameras. Generate clean plates for massive time-savings. The Remove Module is an amazing mocha pro 5 plugin adobe premiere cc free to traditional clone techniques for removing objects. It automatically detects temporal clean frames to blend and align pixels with little user input. View all Remove Module tutorials.

Mega Clean Plates! Beyond object removal, this same technology can also be used to create a large, stitched image out of multiple frames. Learn more about Mega Plates. Render accurate match moves and screen inserts with realistic motion blur or warped distortions. The Insert Module can now be driven by PowerMesh and has improved compositing with higher quality sub-sampling and blend modes.

Redesigned Grid Warp tool can be used to bend and deform insert elements to match curved and distorted как сообщается здесь. The Stabilize Module can lock down camera motion or stabilize based on select tracking layers. Mocha pro 5 plugin adobe premiere cc free stabilized tracking data or render a stabilized clip. With PowerMesh tracking enabled, the Stabilize Module can produce an inverse-warped flattened surface for paint fixes.

Original motion is easily propagated back to the original. /42855.txt general editing, a smooth option with selectable anchor mocha pro 5 plugin adobe premiere cc free helps reduce high frequency jitters while maintaining original camera motion.

Center, scale or crop stabilized footage based on user-driven tracking. The Lens Module provides a simple and easy-to-use interface to calibrate the distortion introduced by camera lenses. Remove unwanted lens distortion or match it to composite realistically. Watch Video. Unlike feature based camera tracking, Mocha solves the 3D camera based on user-selected planar data. This fast and easy-to-use solution is ideal for set extensions, 3D text, and particle tracking.

Additionally the 3D solver can be used to assist other 3D читать статью applications on difficult shots with low detail or significant foreground occlusions. Boris FX Mocha Pro Insert Module with PowerMesh The improved Insert Module features warped surface compositing driven by PowerMesh tracking for a new streamlined workflow. Multi-link layers and /45649.txt mesh tracking to existing for windows 10 track layers Improved!

Quick Stabilize in viewer by layer for improved roto workflow Improved! Dopesheet for keyframe editing, sliding and navigation Improved roto exports for Nuke and Silhouette with split track and spline keyframes New Exports!

PowerMesh PowerMesh enables a powerful sub-planar tracking process for visual effects and rotoscoping. PowerMesh is simple to use and faster than most optical flow based techniques. Use PowerMesh to to drive roto shapes with less keyframes. Learn mocha pro 5 plugin adobe premiere cc free Mocha masking tips. Remove Objects and Wires Remove unwanted elements, wires, rigs, tracking marks, and cameras.

Screen Inserts and Match Moves Render accurate match moves and screen inserts with realistic motion blur or warped distortions. View all Insert Module tutorials. Stabilize Camera or Object Motion The Stabilize Module can lock down camera motion or stabilize based on select tracking layers.

View all Stabilize Module tutorials. Work With Lens Distortion The Lens Module provides на этой странице simple and easy-to-use interface to calibrate the distortion introduced by camera lenses.

View all Lens Module tutorials. Stereoscopic Workflow Stereo 3D planar tracking, masking, and object removal workflow. Iconic One Theme Powered by WordPress.


Boris FX | YAKSERIES: MOCHA PRO 5 PLUGIN Adobe Premiere Pro CC (En Francais)


DE Error when closing a project after rendering on the Remove page if the removed layer has defined matte clip in the Layer Properties pane. Using a custom matte import for a layer involved in a remove render can cause an error when trying to clear the cache. DE Auto Camera Solve shows zero quality without warnings for some projects. If a layer has a different in point to the project in point, it is out of sync. DE mocha crashes on exit after creating a project based on ProRes footage if there are no ProRes codecs but Blackmagic codec is installed.

Exported Beziers can sometimes have looped splines in closely animated points. DE Cannot render insert with the mocharender. Inserting predefined clips like Logo and Grid8x8 will not let you render that layer via command line. Opening mocha on OS X will resize the window, even if you have adjusted it to full screen previously. Exporting renders to any QuickTime format using ProRes as source will show malformed renders.

DE Render buttons are disabled if the playhead is out of the frame range of the selected layer. You cannot render a layer if the playhead is resting outside of a layer in or out point.

Rendering multiple Insert layers that have different in points may crash mocha. DE Inserting process cannot be stopped immediately if some predefined clip is selected as insert clip. Inserting predefined clips like Logo and Grid8x8 can make it difficult to stop a render. DE mocha crashes when exporting shape data to some formats if layer name contains more than characters. Layers with huge amounts of characters in the name may crash mocha on exporting shape data.

DE A project can load without layers if the layers contain some peculiar characters. Some characters do not read in project files and may not load layers correctly. DE Cannot paste layer shape data to Fusion if layer name contains non-Latin characters. Cannot paste layer shape data to Fusion if layer name contains non-Latin characters.

There is an issue with adding a point to the exact bottom left corner of a frame. DE Checking the default tracking clip during project load should check the source location, not the cache. Mocha is checking the cache location before the original source clip to restore the tracking clip on load. DE Cannot detect and move spline points if they are located near spline line of another spline in the same layer.

DE There is no message about unsupported formats if mocha launches from command line with an unsupported footage.

The usual error message for unsupported footage does not show if mocha is launched from command line. DE Previous and Next keyframes zoom windows change according to the position of the current keyframe when moving surface corners in manual track mode. The previous keyframe zoom window is referencing the current keyframe when adjusting in manual track mode. If you are quick enough, or the project is large, it is possible to start or open another project while the first is still loading.

DE Wrong surface behavior in adjusting on a frame which is before the master frame and contains a layer keyframe.

Reference points are adjusted instead of the surface points when adjusting on a frame before the master keyframe. DE Crash when removing an original clip after removing a layer that was drawn on this clip. Removing the clip of a layer that was also deleted can sometimes cause a crash. Attempting to use a previous remove clip as the input of a new remove clip can cause a crash.

Import the previously rendered clip separately from the original render and use that to remove with. Some character combinations in a footage name can stop a project from being created. DE There is no ability to enter footage path in the Relink dialog manually.

Selecting and exporting a layer on the canvas after previously selecting a group in the layer controls will export the group as well. DE Panes that were undocked during loading process return to the dock state after opening a project.

DE There are two “Matte for a layer” clips for the same layer after reselecting None as a Matte clip for it. Selecting “None” in the Matte clip dropdown for a layer adds a new layer matte clip if you add another contour. If you have spline data on the clipboard and try to paste to the dopesheet, there is an error. DE Cannot paste mocha masks in AE if some layer has more than 32 characters in its name. DE Lasso and Marquee selections actions are in the wrong group of shortcuts.

DE Frame Offset returns to default Fixed Frame after entering negative value and moving focus between clip frame range fields. Inserting a negative frame offset in the New Project dialog can set the wrong offset. Switching of “Retain Cached Renders” after performing a Lens distortion map render can throw an error.

Turning on “Timecode” for the frame offset view in the Clip tab does not update the frame offset field to timecode. Setting negative frame offsets will not export the full range of a rendered clip. Some frame ranges in mocha can be incorrect when using a negative frame offset in the Clip tab.

Exports to Blackmagic Fusion based on interlaced footage have the wrong height and y scale. If you created an edge for a closed spline, then open it the edge for the close spine still shows. DE There is ability to step between control points for locked or invisible layers. You can use the “Next control point” controls to cycle through locked or invisible layers.

DE Cannot move points of a Bezier layer after undoing the creation of a new layer. If you have created a bezier layer then make another shape, undoing the second layer causes the bezier to be unadjustable. DE Redundant parameters are shown In the Dope Sheet after switching project mode from stereo to mono.

Redundant keyframes are pasted when copying keys from a stereo project and pasting them to a mono project. Multiple changes to different layers then undoing them can cause problems with some layers. DE Relinked clip images are shown instead of images from the original clip if the project was closed with “Retain cached renders” on. Sometimes relinked clip images are shown instead of images from the original clip if the project was closed with “Retain cached renders” on.

DE Tangents of slave neighboring points are changed when moving a master point. Bezier tangent handles can sometimes follow the cursor after undoing Bezier layer adjustments. DE Low accuracy warning shows after Save dialog when exporting camera solve data. A low accuracy warning can show after the Save dialog when exporting camera solve data. DE Error when clicking on the “-” edge width button for open splines. An error shows when trying to adjust the negative edge width of an open spline.

You can get different stereo camera solve results depending on what view you are in. DE Canvas shows garbage when opening a project created by earlier mocha versions based on currently unsupported footage. Some projects created with codecs that were supported in earlier versions of mocha are now loading with artifacts and black frames. DE mocha cannot load some video files that could be loaded by earlier versions. Some codecs that were supported in earlier versions of mocha are now showing as unsupported.

DE Crash when showing a frame that is out of clip range if mocha is launched from the command line with arguments. DE Cannot move a layer point that was selected before switching to the Lens or Clip pages. If you select a point and switch to the Lens or Clip tab, switching back to Track will make the point immovable. DE Sometimes a slave point is unconstrained after constraining a master point.

Chaining multiple layers with the vertex attach tool can sometimes unconstrain the points. DE The original clip attributes are changed after relinking a clip that inherits attributes from the original clip. If you relink a clip that inherits attributes from the clip you created the project with, the original clip attributes will also be changed.

If the individual parts of a multi-part EXR file have their own channel-based multi-view images, they do not load correctly into the stream lists. DE There is no undo operation for changing corners mode for all layer handles after clicking right mouse button on some handle. Switching to corner mode for all layer handles using right click cannot be undone. DE Timeline changes to spline keys when using timeline controls to adjust or review parameter keys.

If you create any parameter keys you cannot review them with the timeline controls without jumping back to spline keys. DE Exported rendered clips to. If you use EXR to render out an interlaced project, the render will have the wrong height dimension.

DE “Stabilizer failed to smooth motion parameters” error on the Stabilize page if an open spline is selected and there is some lens distortion. DE Crash in opening or creating a stereo project if mocha launched via Remote Desktop. If you try to create a stereo project in mocha over remote desktop, mocha will crash.

The prefix for export rendered shapes chooses the top layer rather than the selected layer. DE Autosave still works after switching off the corresponding checkbox in the Preferences. Relinking stereo streams of different bit depths will not update the actual bit depth in the clip. In rare cases the Lens module will crash mocha when trying to render the distortion map.

When you undo a handle movement, the keyframe does not disappear from the dopesheet. DE Points jump to the current mouse position after changing activeness state or point mode on Mac.

Once you have changed the active state, the point will jump to where the mouse pointer is. DE Redundant keyframe is created when switching on the right view after tracking in both views if point mode was changed for a layer point. Redundant keyframe is created when switching on the right view after tracking in both views if point mode was changed for a layer point. If you open an OS X project on Windows, accepting the saved absolute folder output directory will create the wrong folder.

Unless you turn on “Convert to Float”, you cannot used the colorspace parameters to alter the viewer image for DPX.

DE Cannot create a project based on image sequence with very large frame numbers. You cannot create a project based on image sequence with very large frame numbers. DE Sometimes changing stereo offset parameters causes changing another parameters. Altering some Stereo Offset shear and perspective parameters may affect other fields in the tab. DE Canvas pixels are incorrectly detected after relinking the original clip to a clip with different dimensions.

If you relink a clip to a new clip with different dimensions, drawing a spline will be offset incorrectly. DE Stereo Offset controls have different widths when changing mocha main window size. If you change the window size, the Stereo Offset tab fields no not resize uniformly. If you open a project that needs to change the output directory, you cannot select Relative in some cases. DE A layer will not track if tracking starts on non-hero view and “Track from other views” is switched on.

If you track from the non-hero view while “Track from other views” is switched on, the layer will not track. When you enter “Esc” into the Keyboard shortcuts, it appears as a symbol instead of “Esc”. DE Stereo Offset parameters cannot be changed on the frame the layer was created on after changing hero view. If you change the hero view of a layer and try to change its stereo offset parameters nothing happens. DE Wrong zoom windows after relinking footage streams to another dimension.

Image dimensions inside the zoom windows change if you relink a different sized piece of footage. DE Extra points are moved on the right view in moving some point if “Apply keyframes changes to all views” is switched on.

Extra points are moved on the right view in moving some point if “Apply keyframes changes to all views” is switched on. If you select the color options on a layer after creating several layers, sometimes more than one layer is selected afterwards. Render Mattes settings are not saved in the Export Rendered Shapes dialog in mocha. DE Crash in trying to change extension for rendered clips with Alpha channel to.

If you try to change the extension of a clip with alpha channel to jpg format in the Output settings, mocha will crash. DE Mocha freezes upon changing extension to “. If you try to change the extension of a clip png format in the Output settings, mocha will freeze. A very large warp in perspective can cause footage to become too large or too warped when exporting the Stabilized data to corner pin. DE Mac Mavericks with external monitor hangs in resizing mocha main window.

DE Cannot nudge reference points by buttons after moving them by mouse on the right-view. Cannot nudge reference points by buttons after moving them by mouse on the right-view. DE Clicking in the Layer Controls pane when adding a spline causes spline to close without reverting back to arrow tool.

If you click in the layer controls panel while drawing a spline, the spline will finish but the draw tool will remain active yet unusable. DE Playhead continues to advance frames after the Contour shuttle controller jog is released. When using the Contour Design ShuttlePRO jog controller to drive frame advancement, the playhead will over compensate and keep moving after you have stopped rotating.

If the license drops when you save a project, it will not appear in the recently opened list. DE Footage is displayed corrupted after moving a file with mocha still open. If footage is moved after closing a project, reopening the project will show a corrupted image. Zooming in when there is an error message on the canvas will cause it to jump. If you import a matte clip to a layer and remove the layer, the imported clip is removed as well.

In some cases EXR files will not open correctly for new projects and throw a memory error. If you have two client licenses and one of them is for a floating license, it will always be used as the license even if it fails to find a server. DE Color boxes of the base clip and all inherited clips are changed after relinking an inherited clip.

If you relink a clip, the icon for the base clip and its inherited clips changes color. On very small screen resolutions the mocha interface blinks and adjusts when creating a project. On opening mocha or after closing a project, some of the timeline buttons are still clickable. Some changes in the Lens and Insert modules were not removing keys in the dopesheet after undo.

If you have worked on one project and start another, the splines and point ids keep incrementing from the last one drawn. DE AdjustTrack reference points have incorrect view when switching active state of a layer.

Reference points are shown incorrectly when the active state of the layer is toggled off on one frame then on with another. DE Wrong selection of points when restoring a point that was removed by “Delete” key. If you undo the deletion of a point, it will also be selected when you try to select another point. DE Sometimes shape data exported to After Effects “Paste mocha mask” gets corrupted spline points.

Sometimes shape points can throw spline data out when using “Paste mocha mask”. DE Error when saving shape data to “mocha shape for Final Cut” format if there is custom pixel aspect ratio. The file will still save correctly.

If you open mocha remotely some of the key shortcuts and toggles will not work. If your layer name matches the folder you save your data to, then the filename field will be empty when you go to save shape data. Sometimes if you manipulate the tracking keys in the dope sheet, additional tracking for the layer will not work. DE Cannot create a project based on QuickTime footage after closing and reopening remote desktop session.

There is a “Corrupt or unsupported format” error if you try to use QuickTime after closing and reopening a remote desktop session to mocha. When changing or clicking on field parameter values, the timeline does not show the keyframes. If you click on a non-field parameter, such as a check box, they suddenly show. If you start a new project after solving a camera, sometimes the 3D Motion setting and Quality are the set the same as previously open project.

The clip height is listed wrong in the Clip page for interlaced QuickTime footage. DE Crash when trying to create a project based on footage in a location has a too long path. Footage in a very long directory path can cause mocha to crash when trying to create a project.

DE Wrong data in the first frame in After Effects after importing camera data from an interlaced project. If a project cannot be created successfully due to read only directories or other problems, they still show in Recent Files. There are two messages shown instead of one when a project file cannot be created. DE Frame numbers are shown in progress bar instead of fields for projects based on interlaced footage. Frame numbers are shown in the progress bar instead of fields for projects based on interlaced footage.

DE Incorrect fields numbers in progress bar for projects based on interlaced footage. Progress bar shows frames instead of fields when tracking or rendering interlaced footage. The process icon does not immediately turn off or on when updating the Link to Track property. Sometimes reopening mocha when it has a broken license will not show the license error, only the LE mode message. DE “Frame out of range” error in opening mocha from AE with setting frame range in the “New project” dialog.

Since frame range is define by the in and out points from AE, setting the frame range can cause problems when loading the project. DE Creating a clean plate with a file that has a number on the end will append the number directly. Creating a clean plate with a file that has a number on the end does not separate the number of the clean plate frame from the number in the file.

DE mocha is unresponsive after the second attempt to export rendered shapes to H. Sometimes rendering to H. DE Undoing adding a layer point, selecting Layer Controls pane and clicking on the canvas cause an error. Undoing adding a layer point, selecting Layer Controls pane and clicking on the canvas cause an error.

If you group more than 2 layers and undo moving a layer outside of the group, it may not return to the right position. The group should be created and remain in position where the top-most selected layer was positioned, rather than moving to the top. DE Incorrect behavior for “Selected mattes” mode for several selected layers. If you select “Selected mattes” mode and switch on Mattes, only one matte is turned on. Try to select and move the surface of different layers in a multi-selection it will only let you move one.

Layers become selected when clicking on their layer icons, such as lock, render and view. While you can apply all other right-click options to multiple layers, you can only apply “toggle active” to the layer you were over when you right clicked. Choose “toggle active” on separate layers rather than a selection of layers. DE There is incorrect importing QuickTime footage with pulldown on windows. There are some artifacts when playing back QuickTime footage that contains pulldown.

DE An error appears in using Point Insertion tool for multiple selected layers. If you select 2 layers and try to use the point insertion tool you get the error: “Error: Could not find parent contour of the point. Attempt to open an unsupported EXR format e. If you turn off the zoom window it can still be panned and zoomed into, which can cause problems when it gets in the way and no one can see it.

Working with high-resolution footage such as 4K is very demanding on system resources; a system with at least 16 GB of system memory and 2 GB of texture memory should be used.

These are the versions we have tested:. Shape export requires mocha shape for After Effects plug-in. Tracking export requires Boris BCC plugin that supports importing of tracking data. Shape export is available for HitFilm 3 Pro and above. Track export is available for HitFilm 4 Pro and above.

Requires mocha Track for Quantel plug-in, available free from imagineersystems. Once the installation file, e. You can unsubscribe from the Boris FX newsletter at any time by clicking a link we include in every message. We use a third-party service, Pardot, to deliver our newsletters, please see our privacy policy for more information.

Mocha Pro Plug-in 5. Introduction These release notes accompany mocha Pro Plugin 5. Build notes Note that Python is not supported in the plugin. New Features Guide This release contains new features, including:. Bringing layer mattes directly back to Media Composer, After Effects or Premiere Instead of having to export your layer shapes to the clipboard, you can now just close mocha and any visible mattes will automatically mask out the layer back in the timeline if “Apply Matte” is turned on.

Rendering directly from mocha back to Media Composer, After Effects or Premiere You can now read in a native layer in your comp or sequence as an insert clip and then render the output of the mocha insert right in Avid, AE or Premiere. Creating AE masks from the plugin interface After Effects only Rather than exporting from mocha, you can now create native AE masks directly from the shown mattes in the plugin interface.

Creating tracking data points from the plugin interface After Effects only Rather than exporting from mocha, you can now create native AE control points directly from a selected layer in the plugin interface. New licensing method This edition also introduces a new licensing format to help make activation and deactivation easier for your licenses.

Fixed Issues There are no fixed issues as this is the first release. Workaround: Turn Apply on again. Issue: DE Infinite loop error message when adjusting surface in manual track Platform: All Platforms Bug Description: In rare cases you can get a repeating error message if you try to adjust a tracked surface in Manual mode. Workaround: None. Workaround: Apply directly to the clip. Issue: DE Point insertion tool reverts back to pick tool after zooming or moving Platform: All Platforms Bug Description: If you zoom or pan using toggles, the point insertion tools returns to the Pick tool.

Issue: DE Link to track data not copied over multiple effect instances Platform: All Platforms Bug Description: Copying an effect does not copy over layer property “Link to track” in the mocha project. Render accurate match moves and screen inserts with realistic motion blur or warped distortions. The Insert Module can now be driven by PowerMesh and has improved compositing with higher quality sub-sampling and blend modes.

Use the redesigned Grid Warp tool to bend and deform insert elements to match curved and distorted surfaces. View Insert Module tutorials. The Stabilize Module can lock down camera motion or stabilize based on select tracking layers.

Export stabilized tracking data or render a stabilized clip. With PowerMesh tracking enabled, the Stabilize Module can produce an inverse-warped flattened surface for paint fixes. Original motion is easily propagated back to the original. For general editing, a smooth option with selectable anchor frames helps reduce high frequency jitters while maintaining original camera motion.

Center, scale or crop stabilized footage based on user-driven tracking. View all Stabilize Module tutorials. The Lens Module provides a simple and easy-to-use interface to calibrate the distortion introduced by camera lenses.

Remove unwanted lens distortion or match it to composite realistically. Now faster with spline-based calibration and the ability to save calibrations settings for lenses. View all Lens Module tutorials. Watch Video. Unlike feature based camera tracking, Mocha solves the 3D camera based on user-selected planar data. This fast and easy-to-use solution is ideal for set extensions, 3D text, and particle tracking.

Additionally the 3D solver can be used to assist other 3D tracking applications on difficult shots with low detail or significant foreground occlusions. Work across seams with less pre-comps, nesting, or rendering. Check out the Continuum VR Unit. Nodelocked or cross-platform, floating license.

Purchase options include perpetual, annual and monthly subscriptions. For enterprise floating and render licenses, contact us.

HitFilm Only. Sapphire Only. Running as standalone application and plug-in, Mocha can render tracked composites, tracked inserts, masks, object removal, stabilization, reorientation and lens correction.

Node-based compositing with color correction and image processing filters. Learn More. Mocha Pro: Compositing in Blackmagic Fusion. It’s very likely that this software is clean and safe for use. There are some reports that this software is potentially malicious or may install other unwanted bundled software. These could be false positives and our users are advised to be careful while installing this software.

It’s very likely that this is software is malicious or contains unwanted bundled software. Users are advised look for alternatives for this software or be extremely careful when installing and using this software.

This software is no longer available for the download. This could be due to the program being discontinued , having a security issue or for other reasons. Home Video Software Mocha Pro 9. Join our mailing list Stay up to date with latest software releases, news, software discounts, deals and more. Free Download. Share with Friends. Mocha Pro is the Academy Award-winning planar tracking program for visual effects and post-production. Magnetic Splines with edge-snapping assistance help create the most detailed mask shapes — without requiring drawing skills.

Download Mocha Pro Latest Version. Top Downloads.