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Microsoft office 2010 could not verify the license for this product free

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Cannot verify the license for this product when you start an Office app – Office | Microsoft Docs

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Microsoft Office cannot verify the license for this product. You – Microsoft Community


Click on Start, type ‘services. Under General tab, Startup type, Automatically. You may repair Office using the link below and check if licensing works fine:. If the above steps fail, run the ‘ Fix It ‘ tool available for Office suite from the link mentioned below this will remove all the installed components of Office. Once you have uninstalled Office you may use the installation source file and the product key to reinstall Office and verify the status.

I hope the above steps help. If you need further assistance on this particular issue or any other Office related issues let us know and we will be glad to assist you. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Install, redeem, activate Microsoft and Office Search Community member. Error message, “Microsoft office cannot verify the license for the application.

A repair attempt failed or was cancelled by the user. The application will shut down”. I get this error message when opening Office. Worked fine before, the I have tried repairing, attempting to uninstall and re-entering product key and every time I get the same message. This method to fix Cannot verify the license key for this product works on every version of MS Office. You may have office standards, professional, professional plus, office , or any other version of Microsoft Office.

You can apply the below fix to all such office versions. Step 1. Open Command Prompt as administrator. Step 2. By typing the following command in cmd- cd.. Hit Enter on your keyboard cd..

Step 3. Now type cscript ospp. The above command will re-register your office using the same product key. After that, you will get the following message in the cmd window. Software protection service is necessary to run the MS Office program if it is disabled, then you can restart the service.

Now reopen the office program, and you will not get any errors. You can try this fix on other versions of the office like office , office etc. However, you can get the original Microsoft office from Amazon at a very low cost. Using an original product support the developers and keep you safe from the different type of malware that comes along with pirated programs. If you face any trouble during this process or have any questions, then comment below and do not forget to share this trick.

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